Course curriculum
Course Introduction
Why This Course?
User Interface Test Automation in Detail
Why Use WebdriverIO?
Technical Details
Technical Details - Supplemental Learning
Installation and Configuration
Software Requirements
Browsers, and "Driving" Them
Installing WebdriverIO and Basic Usage
The WebdriverIO Test Runner
Upgrading to the WDIO Test Runner
Reviewing the Standard WebdriverIO Configuration File
Running the Example Test Runner Test
Command Line Options and Reading The Log Output
The Web App Testing Guidebook
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Kevin Lamping
Kevin Lamping is a Senior Front-end Engineer. He also helps organize Hill Country JS, a front-end meetup in San Antonio.Kevin has presented on UI testing at multiple conferences, recently released a free 6-day email course on it, and is a WebdriverIO contributor.In his free-time, when he's not playing with his kids, Kevin dabbles in scale model building, tabletop gaming, piano and gardening.