Course curriculum
A "Real World" App
A 'Real World' App
Running Your Own Server with Docker
Running Your Own Server without Docker
Site Loading and Navigation
Avoiding Testing Troubles
Setting up our Project
Writing our First Real Test
Elements and Actions
Checking URLs
Adding Assertions
Expanding Assertions
The WebdriverIO Expect Library
Exceeding Expectations
Chapter Challenge
Selectors of Every Shape and Size
An Introduction to Selectors
CSS Selectors
XPath Selectors
Chaining Selectors Together
Custom Data Attributes for Testing
Avoiding Poorly Built Selectors
Module Challenge
Testing the Login Page
Structuring Our Tests
Writing the Login Functionality
Asserting That We're Logged In
Slowing Down our Tests
Network Throttling
Waiting With Waits
Waiting With Inverse Waits
Chapter Challenge

Kevin Lamping
Kevin Lamping is a Senior Front-end Engineer. He also helps organize Hill Country JS, a front-end meetup in San Antonio.Kevin has presented on UI testing at multiple conferences, recently released a free 6-day email course on it, and is a WebdriverIO contributor.In his free-time, when he's not playing with his kids, Kevin dabbles in scale model building, tabletop gaming, piano and gardening.